Sizwe Dhlomo Blasted After Allegedly Being Involved in a Matter That Led to Kaya FM Firing Sibongile

Publish date: 2024-05-04

Sizwe Dhlomo has been implicated in an incident that led to the firing of Sibongile Mtyali from Kaya FM, months after Unathi Nkayi was also laid off from her job at the station.

The seasoned media personality came under fire from social media users who accused him of being a toxic co-worker who always gets his way because of his ties with the station's management.

It all started when City Press reported that Sibongile Mtyali was laid off from her job after a fallout with Sizwe Dhlomo. According to reports, Mtyali was fired because she refused to fire another employee as per Dhlomo's request. Sources close to the station said people at the station are scared of Sizwe because he gets what he wants due to his close ties with board members.

Social media users blast Sizwe Dhlomo

@peterbroggs said:

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"Kaya FM has fired Sibongile Mtyali after she allegedly refused to fire sports presenter Mpho Maboi following her altercation with Sizwe Dlomo, who complained about Mpho allegedly continually arriving late for the show."

@Monatseng commented:

"Wasn't Unathi asking sizwe to arrive on time so she could be able to leave, and he refused? And now he's reporting Mpho for...*checks notes*... arriving late???"

Sizwe Dhlomo addresses the backlash

Sizwe Dhlomo tried to do damage control by posting a lengthy Twitter post explaining what happened. He said Sibongile was fired because she refused to fire a new employee who was not attending crucial meetings.

Sithelo Shozi hints Mamkhize should learn from Sonia Mbele how to deal with son’s domestic abuse allegations

In more entertainment news, Briefly News also reported that Sithelo Shozi rushed to her timeline after seeing how Sonia Mbele handled her son Donell Mbele's allegations of domestic abuse.

Twitter went crazy when disturbing screenshots of an alleged conversation between Donell and a girl named Reokeditswe and images of gruesome bruises went viral.

Briefly News earlier reported that the former Generations actress caught strays right away after her son was exposed. Sonia's name, rather than Donell's, topped the trends, and the debate shifted from domestic abuse to who should be trending.

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