Neurosis singer Scott Kelly admits to abuse, announces retirement from music Aumag The Talks Tod

Publish date: 2024-05-05

Warning: The following article contains potentially triggering material related to domestic violence. If you are a victim or know someone who is, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.

Scott Kelly, co-founding member and lead singer of Californian metal band Neurosis, has admitted to engaging in “emotional, financial, verbal and physical abuse” of his wife and children.

Following the hospitalization, Kelly announced that he is “100% permanently retired from being a professional musician,” adding that “My only focus for the rest of my life is to take care of my family and give them a safe space to to heal and rebuild their trust.”

In a lengthy statement posted to Facebook, Kelly said he felt compelled to “set the record straight” after “the truth has started to come out, there have been people trying to blame my wife for my abuse to give me a out and [sic] people who have spread ridiculous and harmful rumors about her.”

“When I got paranoid, people had to find out [about the abuse], I found ways to keep my wife and children from work and school and created divisions with friends and family members,” Kelly wrote. “I became obsessed with control and used threats, manipulation, threats of self-harm and suicide, inflicting physical harm on people and their reputations to maintain that control.”

Explaining her decision to end her musical career, Kelly said: “I know now that choosing to live a public life and be on stage was the worst decision I could have made, given the way I am. I have hid behind attention and unwarranted respect and admiration. I used my social position to directly and indirectly manipulate you all and hide the abuse of my family. I got satisfaction from my deception and perceived control over everyone involved. I am 100% permanently retired from being a professional musician. Some people can be in a scene like this where there’s no accountability and maintain their integrity. I can’t.”

In addition to his work with Neurosis for more than 35 years, Kelly was also a member of Shrinebuilder with Al Cisneros, Scott Weinrich and Dale Crover, appearing on six Mastodon albums.
