4 best trinchado recipes in South Africa: beef, chicken, sauce

Publish date: 2024-05-08

Trinchado is a spicy sauce made from different types of meat. It is famous in Mozambique, Angola, South Africa, and Portugal. Many fall in love with this delicacy the first time they try it. You can learn how to make trinchado from simple online recipes. This article shares some of the easiest trinchado recipes for beginners in South Africa. In addition, internationally recognised professional Chef Xolisile recommended cuts of meat that work exceptionally well for trinchado.

Trinchado is rich in animal protein, and spices used in the sauce give it a strong sweet aroma. You can use chicken, fish, pork, to beef. Some Africans add beans, potatoes, and other foods to the sauce to make it thick and add a richer taste.

How to make trinchado sauce

Portuguese and African trinchado have slightly different preparation styles. This article focuses on cooking methods used by Africans and Portuguese. You can get the beef or chicken stock ingredients mentioned in these recipes from your local stores.

Beef trinchado recipe

This beef trinchado recipe prepares a meal for four adults. It takes approximately 3-4 hours to make the dish. Moreover, you can substitute beef with chicken, pork, fish, or mutton.


Cooking directions


Check after every 15 minutes to ensure that the meat is tender. If not, you will have to boil it for an extra hour. Add red wine (or brandy) if the sauce is about to touch the bottom of the pan to avoid burning it. Use the ingredient you used in step 6 to prevent spoiling the flavor.

Creamy trinchado recipe

Creamy trinchado is famous in both Europe and Africa. This particular Portuguese trinchado sauce recipe requires about two hours to make, and the meal will be enough for four adults.


Cooking directions

Chicken trinchado recipe

You can use the beef trinchado recipe above but replace the beef with chicken and the beef stock with chicken stock. Be careful not to overcook the chicken because it is less tough than beef. Below is another fantastic way of cooking chicken trinchado:


Cooking directions

Mozambique trinchado recipe

Many South African restaurants use the Mozambique trinchado recipe because it makes a spicy tomato and onion-based sauce. Mozambique natives and South Africans usually served the sauce with spring rolls, French fries, or rice.


Cooking directions

What is the meaning of beef or chicken stock?

Stock is the liquid in which meat or vegetables are simmered.

What is the difference between broth, stock, and soup?

Traditional soup is the liquid in which food is cooked. Broth and stock mean the same thing. They are a combination of sauce and soup; they are made the same way from meat or vegetables, and seasoning can be added or skipped. However, some chefs argue that broth is seasoned, but the stock should not be seasoned.

How do you prepare homemade beef or chicken stock?

The recipe is simple. Here is a beef or chicken stock recipe


Cooking directions

Use any vegetable and seasoning that you prefer. You do not have to use the ones listed in this stock recipe.

What is trinchado?

Trinchado is a healthy and spicy African/Portuguese meat sauce. It is prepared from different kinds of meat, including beef and chicken.

What is trinchado made of?

You can use chicken, fish, pork, mutton, or beef to make an African trinchado sauce.

Which cuts of meat work well for trinchado?

Professional Chef Xolisile shared with We particular types of meat cuts that are well-suited for trinchado:

Trinchado is a warm heavenly South African-Portuguese beef stew rich in chilli and garlic. The best cut of meat used for this dish is a tender rump steak which will satisfyingly melt in your mouth and leave you begging for more.

Where did trinchado originate from?

It's believed that South Africans adopted trinchado stew from Angola and Mozambique, which are former Portuguese colonies.

What is the best sauce to go with trinchado?

Tomato and onion-based sauces are the best to add to your trinchado sauce. You can add soy sauce, red chilli peppers, balsamic vinegar, garlic, red wine, and olives to your sauce.

What to serve with trinchado?

You can serve trinchado stew with rice, bread, beans, potatoes, and salad.

Use these easy trinchado recipes for beginners to prepare dinner or lunch. You are not limited to serving it with bread or fries. You could also serve it with spiced rice, unleavened butter bread, and so on to create more flavours.

We shared the best Potjie recipes with chicken, seafood, lamb, and beef. Potjie is a common traditional dish in South Africa. The natives use a three-legged iron pot for cooking it over a wood fire.

You can cook all types of meat in this pot. Most South African natives add potatoes, pumpkins, corn, and vegetables like cabbages, carrots, and cauliflowers into their Potjie stews.
